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Annie Meehan knows about overcoming. She speaks powerfully about being “the exception” in your life, business, and relationships. Her keynote and workshop presentations engage audiences with her profound depth of understanding challenges, embracing compassion and the pursuit of results through hard work and plain old grit. Her passion is palpable. As a professional speaker, Annie is dedicated to bringing hope and new possibilities to areas that may seem to have insurmountable odds. Her use of stories, life lessons and new perspectives are not only relatable, they also inspire hope. Her topics of choice, resilience, change, persuasion, authenticity, hope, faith, communication, mindset and more – all embrace the underlying principle of “being the exception” in all areas of life. Attendees can count on leaving your event with new perspectives and practical take-aways. Immerse your audience in meaningful, life-changing content for your next conference, training, meeting or retreat! Engage Annie Meehan today!

This 150-page journal makes it easy to map out your legacy. Coach, speaker and encourager, Annie Meehan, suggests you use the journal to explore your life, answering the thought-provoking questions to help you move in the right direction. Space is left for you to doodle, draw, write and reflect on the questions--all ways to help you find the answers. Meehan says, "Where fear and excuses stop...your life truly begins." Inspirational quotations and deep-digging questions allow you to challenge yourself.

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