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FuzionPrint's Author Corner: Donna Mathiowetz

There are few things that are better teachers than the challenges we encounter in our lives. This journal contains real life stories of times such as these. Donna Mathiowetz has a way of sharing the most difficult days of her own journey and helping the reader to reflect on their own as well. You will read, contemplate, write and shed some healing tears. If you or someone you know needs a way to give voice to their pain, you will appreciate what this journal has to offer.

Work through your Grief

Give yourself Grace

Be open to Growth

Donna's story will encourage and inspire you to embrace life. She demonstrates how to graciously act upon opportunities, be open to new possibilities, and courageously lead yourself in a sometimes uncertain world. Every interaction, whether it's listening to her talk or reading something she wrote, I learn something from her.

Tammi Brochman, Arbonne Independent Consultant

Indomitable spirit. This is what comes to mind when I think of Donna. Her energy is contagious. Instilled with a strong sense of integrity, Donna empowers others through her positive outlook. Without the spoken word, she imparts an expectation of only the best from herself and those whose lives she touches. I await with baited breath the next chapter from this prolific contributor to the good in our world.

Kellee Gabel, The Web Professional

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